Our Approach
A business is far more than what can be viewed within its financial statements. At its core, it is people with families and futures and often there resides untapped potential.
In each business, HAI streamlines operations and focuses on strategy development without compromising the strategic vision, entrepreneurial spirit, and autonomy of their leadership teams. With every company we acquire, our goal is to grow alongside the talented people we meet. We recognize a company represents a source of pride and fulfillment for the people that work within them and that at the heart of every great company is the people - companies don’t create value; people do.
We are patient investors who are deeply committed to long-term value creation. We are committed to employing sustainable strategies and continued investment in the development of not only the company, but more importantly the people and culture. Our goal is to operate our companies successfully in perpetuity.
Our pledge is to maintain excellence, respect, and integrity in all aspects of our operations and our professional and business activities. We endeavor to reflect the highest ethical standards in our relationships with our people, investors, vendors and other stakeholders.