Working Together

HAI takes a very direct approach to investing as we look to collaborate with companies that are searching for a stable and sensibly managed partner. We are involved in managing each portfolio company, which includes the creation and enactment of a post-investment value enhancement strategy. This strategy addresses a companies supply chain and distribution, management development and recruitment, finance and information systems, and marketing and growth. We partner with companies to lend our know-how and connections where necessary to take the company to the next level.

We help entrepreneurs transform people and companies. We don’t just invest capital. We take a long-term view of each investment and are committed to investing our time, energy and expertise so that our companies realize their full market potential. We nurture growth by partnering with management as coaches and mentors. We take the time to listen and understand the people, their families and the lives we are impacting.

We partner with strong entrepreneurs seeking growth or family-owned companies considering a transition of their business to another like-minded owner. We focus to continue the success they have built and stand ready to lend our expertise and connections to help bring together relationships, capital and leadership.